I was browsing www.freemmorpglist.com at one time when something draw my attention. It was a game similar to SCO (Space Cowboy Online). SCO has seized to operate since December 2007 due to legal reasons. SCO was one of my favorite mmo games before and I had a lot of fun playing the game.
For those who have no idea of the game. Let me put it this way. There are two nations battling for supremacy in a planet. You get to be a pilot in one of the nation. And you have to fight your in-born enemy, the opposing nation. The game is skilled based, unlike other mmo's where point and click is the main theme. In this game, you have to show your piloting skills in order to survive missions, and defeat the opposing force in raids.

Well, with nothing much to do, I downloaded AceOnline and played it. From first interface, a few minor changes were introduced into the game. Adding training assistance and reinforcing the storyline was a good move for AceOnline. It gave the decent gamer an idea of what he's leveling for and what he's fighting for.

Amidst the minor introductory changes, the pilot Avatars also had a make-over. They're a bit good looking compared to it's SCO predecessor. Gameplay remained the same except for some mission changes. Missions were a bit easier this time around and the luxury of having Happy Hour 'til you achieve Level 81 is enough to keep the average gamer going with his leveling frenzy.
At first, I thought it was the same old SCO-type game. But there has been a lot of changes which got me hooked on this game. AceOnline did a great job of reconstructing the whole WAR idea. Participating in wars now yield exemplary rewards. These rewards would definitely trigger activity from both sides to join in skirmishes and air battles.
Well, let's go to the scores...
Gameplay: 8
The good old formula of having rival nations fighting against each other in battles, I think is the best thing that moved this game. PvP is different compared to other mmo's. And the importance of defending your nation is definitely a good sense. There are still unbalances left in the game but ultimately it's a good game. But in order to enjoy the game, you must be around the level 40+. Within this level, you'll be experiencing the real battles...
Graphics: 8
For an mmo game, this has some decent graphics. Jet and missile trails add eye candy for the average gamer. Though not really extensive on certain details, it still is very good. Do note that mmo's are designed to have a mass audience (increasing graphic standards might hamper gaming population).
Sound: 7
AceOnline has interlinked voice chat in-game..making chatting with fellow pilots much easier especially in the heat of battle. The gamer also has an option to add his favorite music into the game via pasting it over the music folder, which quite a good idea considering all the grinding..you'll want to hear music that you definitely like. Some in-game music may be a bit repetitive, though..but not really that hard to handle.
Lifespan: 8
Having a good community and active GM's make AceOnline enjoyable for the average gamer. Random events and battles also add much into the lifespan of the game. The outstanding gameplay would mke most gamers participate in the nation battles. Warpoint rewards are definitely worth it.
Overall: 7.75
AceOnline scored quite good in the long run. There is much potential in this game. For a free mmo, this game is a keeper. I'll definitely endorse this to everyone.. For those who want to experience skill-based action...this game is for you. Although not open to all audience, this game would still pack a punch for those seeking for action.

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